Today was a classic example of the need to be flexible in homeschooling. This is definitely something that is still a work in progress for me. I like regularity. Predictability. Don't get me wrong. I'm pretty laid back with a lot of things and I'd guess that most people wouldn't view me as Type A. Because I'm definitely not. (My close friends are laughing out loud right now.) I like order, but I'm not nutso about it. (Not that there's anything wrong with that!) ;)
If you're a mom, you know all about having to deal with interruptions. And if you're a homeschooling mom, it can be a double whammy. If you let it be. Me? I'm learning to let go and bend with the wind. Go with the flow. Roll with the punches. Literally. My third born is very aggressive and likes to tackle. But I digress.
Today, I had to head over to our church to prep for co-op. We have a homeschool cooperative at our church (it's fantastic! -- more about that in another post) where the kids take classes once a week, and I had to get the preschool class in order and setup for the first day of school on Thursday. Which meant hauling the kids with me and putting our schoolwork on hold. Lydia and I had started our day with Bible and reading, doing what the curriculum assigned. Usually this would be done in the afternoon, after seatwork in the morning, and then whatever else was on the agenda...including Silas's school time, some outside time, and possibly a craft. But I had other things that had to get done. And I had to switch it up a bit. So we had to bend. The kids had a great time playing with the toys in the classroom while I organized, and it was actually a really nice change of pace for them.
For me, the key to days like today is, I have to get home and get back on track. I can't let the day slide away. Even if I want to. Like today.
It was rainy. It was dreary. It was windy. Did I mention it was rainy? Yeah.
So...we ate lunch. Then we got back to work! Silas even asked to do his school sheet! (Say what??!!) Lydia didn't ask to do hers. No shocker there. But it got done! And we had a great day... bending with the wind.
Here are some pics from last week and today:
Learning about how vegetables grow! |
Fun with (washable) paint
He's become very serious about his school |
Con-cen-tra-tion. |