Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Learning as I Go

Take 2. Obviously I need help with this blogging thing already. My first post didn't show up, so I will attempt to reiterate everything word for word. Or not.

I told my husband I'd never do this, but here I am. Partly because I want to chronicle my homeschool experience and learn from it as I go: every wonderful, crazy, maddening, character-building moment of it. But mostly because I hate the idea of writing things out by hand and having to store some random notebook of happenings somewhere in my house just so I can misplace it or spill coffee all over it, losing every painstaking memory that lies within.

So, here goes. My journey as a homeschooling mom...and every other journey in between.
By the way, the title of this blog is a reference to my personal outlook on life: the "seasons" of childhood and motherhood require different attire as you go--creativity, ambitiousness, flexibility, steadfastness, patience and numerous other traits. So be prepared! Dress for the Season! And hold on to your hat!


  1. Love it. :-) Using a blog as a journal is much faster than handwriting anyway! And you can export it for safe keeping!

  2. I agree with Dawn. And if you ever want this in print, there are companies out there that can convert your blog into a nice book. So, it's nice that you have that option ;)
