Friday, September 9, 2011

Why Homeschool?

So, I figured I'd get into why I do what I do. Honestly, if you'd asked me 5 years ago, homeschooling was not even an option. It wasn't on my radar. I remember telling Tim, "I'm just not that type of mom...I think kids should go to a building for school. Another building than here." :) Well, obviously I changed my mind. My husband did not change my mind, although I would have listened and complied had he asked me. I really believe the Lord changed my heart so that I would consider all my options. And that He did so in order that I would have joy in my decision.

Now, I want to be sure I make myself clear---homeschooling is not, I believe, the end all-be all. It is, however, what I prefer. This year. And right now. So, I've chosen to do it. Not because I don't think public school provides a good education. We're in a great school district. Not because I think it's the only Biblical way. God gives us grace in making these decisions and I don't believe there is one RIGHT way. Honestly, it's because I want God to be an integral part and obvious focus of my child's education and I know that will not happen in public school. I also know that I can not afford private school for all my children, and if I could, I still wouldn't want to spend the money. Since I went to Christian private school (only because my mom worked there), I know that even private school has its faults. I also know that I have my faults. To put it bluntly, any school environment has its faults. But, I've determined to put aside my insecurities and try to teach my children. Try with all my might. And have some confidence in how the Lord's gifted me. And take it a day at a time. Because who knows what tomorrow will bring.


  1. I love the way you've written this, Michelle. I wholeheartedly agree!

  2. I could totally copy and paste this to my own blog! Every bit is exactly me. :-) Glad we can walk this journey together!

  3. Can I just "like" this post? :-) I agree as well.
